понедельник, 30 июня 2014 г.

REVELATION (Understanding GAIA’s Message)

Part 1:


It was December 2011. I left cold Moscow and arrived at warm California to celebrate the 25th anniversary of MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies).

As a Russian representative of MAPS since June 2010, I was looking forward to the event and hoped to meet in person the people whom I had known from the MAPS bulletin articles, which I had translated into Russian with the help of my friends and colleagues.

MAPS (www.maps.org) is an organization which supports and coordinates scientific research of psychedelics, such as MDMA, mescaline, psylocybin, etc., and their influence on humans around the world. MAPS has also taken on a difficult mission to legalize psychedelics, and has been dealing with the obstacles connected with the prohibition of LSD and other psychedelics in the US and other countries.